Inspiration Rendition: Pearl and Metal Bauble Necklace

Now when I started this project my intention was to create a bauble necklace. I had all the materials on hand: the plethora of headpins, the various sized acrylic pearls (glass pearls would have been to heavy), the round metal beads and chain. One thing I failed to pay attention to was the hole size on the acrylic pearls. Much to my chagrin the hole sizes were too big even on the smallest acrylic pearl and the headpins keep sliding right through the beads.  Now what does one do? Improvise of course. So here is the rendition of the Pearl and Metal Bauble necklace from my previous inspiration post:

I know, I know. Once again I have completely strayed away from the original design but as I mentioned above I kind of had no choice on this one. Regardless this is still one elegant statement necklace bauble or not. Until next time, allow inspiration to find you!