
You may be asking yourself, "What is Sundry Creation?" By definition, it means a diverse original product of the mind and mind-blowingly this is exactly what you will find here. An assorted compilation of posts related to art, crafts, DIYs, food and jewelry. Feel free to browse around to get a feel for what I post. I hope you find something that sparks your interest.

If you are new here and looking for a place to start, check out some of my favorite posts:

Decoupage Egg Crate
Gold Hippo Bookends
Ducktape Storage Box
Silver Glitter Clutch Wallet
Scarlet Glitter High Heels

As for me, my name is A. Cornelia. I am an Alabama native who is a state employee by day and a self-taught artisan by night. I am a craft and food enthusiast who enjoys cooking, crafting, drawing, making jewelry, painting and reading. Also I am the proud owner of the most adorable rescue dog ever!! Yep, that's his picture to the left. Inspiration is everywhere and sometimes it can be hard to translate it all into a creative vision but I do my best. I have loved art and creating things with my hands since I can remember. Starting with paint by numbers as a child and gradually teaching myself how to paint freely by hand. Recently my passion has changed from drawing and painting to jewelry making. Though I still occasionally draw and paint from time to time since this was my first love (you can never escape those no matter how hard you try :0) I love what I do creatively and I feel that now is a good time for me to share these creative visions with others. What's the point of creating just to hoard everything in the home? Thus, I created this blog as a means to share my creations as well as things that inspire, DIY projects, good books, recipes and everything else in between! Thanks again for stopping by! I hope you enjoy what you see and I would love to hear from you! Feel free to drop me a line at sundrycreation@gmail.com