Inspiration Rendition: Animal Bookends

This is my rendition of the animal bookends from my previous inspiration post. If you would like to know how to make a few of these adorable figurines, just continue reading. 


dollar store plastic animals, empty altoid cans, E6000 glue and spray paint (preferably one suitable for both plastic and metal)

1) Make sure the plastic animals and altoid cans are clean, then spray paint.

2) After items have dried, simply glue the feet of the plastic animal to the top of the altoid can. Let bond and you're done.

There you have it. A quick and simply DIY to spruce up your decor in only two steps. Plus as an added bonus, these bookends can also double as storage for small knick knacks like paper clips, buttons, rubber bands, thumbtacks, etc.

Until next time, let inspiration find you!