40s/50s Floral Stud Spring Earrings

I was recently in the local arts and crafts store browsing the aisles for inspiration when I stumbled upon this nifty little find:

My immediate thought was "these would make some great stud earrings!" If you are interested in knowing how I created the earrings below continue reading.

The materials for this project consist of floral beads, 7mm glass pearls beads (in a color that matches floral beads), 6mm flat posts with clutch, and E6000 glue.

To assemble these springy beauties I simply glued the 7mm glass pearl to the floral bead using the E6000 glue. I let this dry and then glued the entire component to the 6mm flat posts with clutch and let it dry. Voila, you now have floral earrings perfect for spring. Until next time, allow inspiration to find you!